Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Term 3, Week 6

Monday: continued filing and sanding my board. I did the other side of it but now i just need to even it out so that it's equally smooth on both sides.
Wednesday: computer labs updating blogs. Again. writing up reflections and putting up photos.
Thursday: going to finish filing my board so that its perfect and it's going to be really, REALLY awesome.

Term 3, Week 5

On Monday all we did was just update our blogs for the whole double period because Terry wasn't here and we couldn't continue with our longboards or something. But I uploaded all my photos of the week before because we had all practical and there were HEAPS of photos to post. On Wednesday i still had to finish updating my blog so i went into the computer room and quickly did it, then i went back to start filing and sanding my board. I also went around helping jack and chais cut their boards too.
Thursday I continued sanding my board and made it really nice and smooth on one side. I didn't get to finish doing it so i'm gonna finish it next week.

Term 3, Week 4

On Monday we our double period. On the first period I finished ruling up and drawing my board onto the ply wood. On the second period me and jack went into the class next door and cut out my board. On Tuesday Wednesday i used the scroll saw to fix up the shape of my board and cut it out right. On Thursday, my board had been finished, so i just helped Will cut out his one and we filed it down.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Term 3, Week 3

We had our double practical on Monday and i didn't miss out on much. I'm still past some people and i was ruling out the points on my board with a pencil so that when i cut out the shape, it will be excactly the way i wanted it to be. I also had to use my half scale mock-up to help me rule up the points right and get the shape correct. Today on Wednesday, we're back in the computer labs working on our blags. We got a new check-list so we can catch up on whatever we're up to.
On Thursday we are working on our longboards again and i think i will be able to draw up the shape on the board and cut it out and then i think it'll be almost finished.

Term 3, Week 2

I was away this week. I was at camp for my OutDoor Ed class. Sam, Will, Cody and Harry were in my class but i don't think we missed out on much.